We believe that women can change the world for the better
Wrap, Twist, Style

Hey goddess!

If you've landed here, it is because you may be keen to find a pattern for a face mask. This is the original file which is in circulation in my family. It's in French! I believe the original source is from a hospital in Grenoble. I found an English translation, that may haven even been Grenoble's intitial inspiration. It  can be found here.  There is a few things I think may improve both designs:

  • The French instructions have  added wadding a middle layer piece to increase filtration.
  • Adding malleable wire in the nasal part to stop fogging.
  • Add gathering on the side to reduce opening.
  • For medical staff, some prefer the elastic around the head, rather than the ears.

This mask will not as good as a medically approved or N95 respirator mask* however here is why isn't that bad either:

  1. Better than nothing.
  2. Stops large droplets from wearer and the other way round (but doesn't protect the eyes.
  3. Reminds you not to touch your face.
  4. It's washable. 

    Have fun sewing. xx


    * N95 respirator masks, are designed to protect the wearer from small particles in the air, like viruses. They’re certified by the CDC and National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health.

    The name comes from the fact that they can filter 95 percent of airborne particles, according to the CDC. N95 masks are also often used when painting or handling potentially toxic materials.